“I’ve learned that to be courageous is to feel fear within, every step of the way.” | My Thoughts on Flawed by Cecelia Ahern | A Spoiler-free Book review

Flawed by Cecelia Ahern My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars One of my main reasons to pick a Cecelia Ahern book is to bring some happiness to my usual heavy reading. And that’s why I got a copy of Flawed, without reading the synopsis, and decided to read it last year. This book isn’t your typicalContinueContinue reading ““I’ve learned that to be courageous is to feel fear within, every step of the way.” | My Thoughts on Flawed by Cecelia Ahern | A Spoiler-free Book review”

My Love for Audio-Books ; Favourite App for Audio-Books and My Thoughts on Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick! – Podcast #1

  Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick My rating: 5 of 5 stars My first proper audio book and oh my did I enjoy it!! Anna Kendrick invites us to get to know her a little better through this very modern and social media-esque memoir. She narrates it herself and of course it was nothingContinueContinue reading “My Love for Audio-Books ; Favourite App for Audio-Books and My Thoughts on Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick! – Podcast #1”

“You want to know what weakness is? Weakness is treating someone as though they belong to you. Strength is knowing that everyone belongs to themselves.” | My Thoughts on Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi | Spoiler-free book review

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi My rating: 5 of 5 stars In One Line: Beautiful, heartbreaking story of two sisters told over generations, written brilliantly, will leave you surrounded by some intelligent thoughts, and provide you strength to understand and empathise the characters not only in the book but those around you.  Before I begin sharing myContinueContinue reading ““You want to know what weakness is? Weakness is treating someone as though they belong to you. Strength is knowing that everyone belongs to themselves.” | My Thoughts on Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi | Spoiler-free book review”

My Biblio-Wish List: Books I’d Like to Read #1

Hi there! How’s it going for you? Are you facing a flooded “Want to read” list on Goodreads, like I am? It’s just getting crazier and crazier day by day! So I thought, since my blog has been so helpful in keeping a track of most of the things I do, why not select a bookContinueContinue reading “My Biblio-Wish List: Books I’d Like to Read #1”

My Thoughts on A Freezing Night in Geneva by Ajay Adala | A spoiler-free book review

A Freezing Night in Geneva by Ajay Adala My rating: 2 of 5 stars In one line: A good one-time read. Simple and Straight-forward.  A Freezing Night in Geneva is a story about how the author had to face various difficult situations during his trip in Switzerland as a student. According to me, it wasContinueContinue reading “My Thoughts on A Freezing Night in Geneva by Ajay Adala | A spoiler-free book review”

Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. 

Dear Diary It’s 10.03 PM as I write this to you. Yesterday, I felt my cold and cough getting better and I was excited to know that I’ll be able to get back to my routine from today. But! Who am I kidding? My body possessed by its auto immunity must’ve thought to fight someContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. “

Dear Diary | 26 Oct, 2017 | The one with Kavya, Spriha, Pia, Joey and Doughie / Games and a lot of screaming.

Dear Diary  Sometimes, life is just a crazy bunch of humans commonly known as Friends. And then I also have my baby pooch, Mr. Doughnut. SO my life is amazing shiz!   12.00 AM – Reading!   10.19 AM – I wanted to wake up soon but evidently that didn’t happen, although I’m determined toContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 26 Oct, 2017 | The one with Kavya, Spriha, Pia, Joey and Doughie / Games and a lot of screaming.”

Dear Diary | 20 Oct, 2017 | Spookathon Day 5 | My first book by Agatha Christie!

Dear Diary Today is going to be a late start, because most of the day went in yesterday. Made sense? If you’ve read last night’s diary entry , you’d know! I thought today won’t be as bad yesterday, it wasn’t, but we still had some firecrackers-bursting-baffoons doing what they do best! *sigh* (cough! cough! can’t sigh inContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 20 Oct, 2017 | Spookathon Day 5 | My first book by Agatha Christie!”

My thoughts on Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo | A spoiler-free book review.

Ketterdam, a bustling place known for its international trade where anything can be achieved by those who know how to take it. And who knows that better than criminal prodigy, Kaz Brekker. When Kaz is offered an opportunity that could get him wealth beyond his imagination, he isn’t aware of all that could follow theContinueContinue reading “My thoughts on Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo | A spoiler-free book review.”