Dear Diary | 7 August, 2018 | The One Where I Want A Change.

Do you ever find yourself sitting away from everyone and just wondering where the world is going and how much time we’ve wasted already? The amount of effort put in putting one gender down than the other, in not accepting there are more genders than just the two, in disgracing one community or class, inContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 7 August, 2018 | The One Where I Want A Change.”

Dear Diary | 6 August, 2018 | The One Where I Try.

7:00 AM: Now that I’ve finally managed to get up early and fresh, the weather’s so nice that all I can think of is snuggling and sleep in! 8.30 AM: Reminded myself to be an adult and quit lazying around. So I grab one of my current reads to freshen myself up. 10.32 AM: ReachingContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 6 August, 2018 | The One Where I Try.”

My Year, so far, in Books..

Perfect by Cecelia Ahern My first read of the year was Perfect by Cecelia Ahern, sequel to Flawed. I remember giving it 3.5 stars. It’s a beautifully conceptualised duology and I absolutely loved the meaning and message that accompanied the story line. If you haven’t yet started with this duology, I highly recommend it. It’sContinueContinue reading “My Year, so far, in Books..”

Dear Diary | 16 Dec, 2017 | The One Where We Follow Mr. Doughnut!

Dear Diary  I look more like winter, than winter looks like winter. Made sense? made sense. It’s so cold! 😀 Early Morning: (Starts whenever I wake up!) Reading, emails, work, tea, Mr. Doughnut.   Mr. Doughnut:    After lunch: When I REALLY wanted to clean my room, wait for Mr. Doughnut to settle down and then cameContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 16 Dec, 2017 | The One Where We Follow Mr. Doughnut!”

Dear Diary | 30th Nov, 2017 | The one where I spent my day reading :D

Dear Diary First thing’s first, why do my posts get randomly deleted?! I had to re-post yesterday’s blog. Second, WHY IS TIME IN SUCH A HURRY?? IT’S DECEMBER TOMORROW! 5 MORE MINUTES AND IT’LL BE 2018!! WHAAATTT! I woke up around 10-10.30 AM, I suppose. I was grumpy and looked quite funny. Stayed in bed for anContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 30th Nov, 2017 | The one where I spent my day reading :D”

Dear Diary | 27 Nov & 28 Nov, 2017 | The one with a new segment.

Dear Diary  Let’s start this entry with a song I’m currently listening to? I promise to be consistent from day after! Life’s been quite social and busy this week. I’m also introducing a change in the way I update you. I’m introducing a segment, which you’ll see at end of each post, where I’ll summariseContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 27 Nov & 28 Nov, 2017 | The one with a new segment.”

Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. 

Dear Diary It’s 10.03 PM as I write this to you. Yesterday, I felt my cold and cough getting better and I was excited to know that I’ll be able to get back to my routine from today. But! Who am I kidding? My body possessed by its auto immunity must’ve thought to fight someContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. “

Dear Diary | 9 Nov, 2017 | The one where Supriya Vani made my day :D

Dear Diary  Today was a difficult, yet a beautiful day! Morning – I’m not sure what time I woke up but it felt quite early! Stretching exercise – done Check on work in the studio – done Breakfast for Mr. Doughnut and take him out – done Hair care step 1 – done 11:06 AM – AfterContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 9 Nov, 2017 | The one where Supriya Vani made my day :D”

Dear Diary | 3 Nov, 2017 | The one where Life’s good! It’s goo-OOOD!

Dear Diary Blogging has helped in a lot of ways! It not only helps me track bits of my life but also lets me meet and converse  with so many people. It’s only been a month since I started blogging consistently and a slightly more than that since I started blogging about books. I’ve madeContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 3 Nov, 2017 | The one where Life’s good! It’s goo-OOOD!”

Dear Diary | 29 Oct, 2017 | Pain, You Make Me A Believer!

Dear Diary It’s around 6 PM as I write this to you. Today was one of those difficult days when my body was feelings all things miserable and my mood was just all over the place. Till about this year, I barely spoke about my health openly. Only my family and a few close friendsContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 29 Oct, 2017 | Pain, You Make Me A Believer!”