Dear Diary | 7 August, 2018 | The One Where I Want A Change.

Do you ever find yourself sitting away from everyone and just wondering where the world is going and how much time we’ve wasted already? The amount of effort put in putting one gender down than the other, in not accepting there are more genders than just the two, in disgracing one community or class, inContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 7 August, 2018 | The One Where I Want A Change.”

Dear Diary | 6 August, 2018 | The One Where I Try.

7:00 AM: Now that I’ve finally managed to get up early and fresh, the weather’s so nice that all I can think of is snuggling and sleep in! 8.30 AM: Reminded myself to be an adult and quit lazying around. So I grab one of my current reads to freshen myself up. 10.32 AM: ReachingContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 6 August, 2018 | The One Where I Try.”

Mr. Doughnut, I’ve been lost but you helped me find a way! | Feb, 2018

Hi Doughie Every time I begin to crumble and doubt myself, I remember you keeping your head on my lap and paw in my hand when you heard me cry. This was just before you had to go. Like always, even when you were in unimaginable discomfort, you made sure that I stop crying. You’veContinueContinue reading “Mr. Doughnut, I’ve been lost but you helped me find a way! | Feb, 2018”

Dear Diary | 16 Dec, 2017 | The One Where We Follow Mr. Doughnut!

Dear Diary  I look more like winter, than winter looks like winter. Made sense? made sense. It’s so cold! 😀 Early Morning: (Starts whenever I wake up!) Reading, emails, work, tea, Mr. Doughnut.   Mr. Doughnut:    After lunch: When I REALLY wanted to clean my room, wait for Mr. Doughnut to settle down and then cameContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 16 Dec, 2017 | The One Where We Follow Mr. Doughnut!”

Dear Diary | 7 – 8 – 9 Dec, 2017 | The one where there’s a lot to update!

Dear Diary Would you believe me if I tell you that I have absolutely no memory of my day on the 6th? What option do you even have, right? Well, there’s no memory whatsoever. I have no clue about what happened and why didn’t I post a blog. But! Let’s talk about 7th! 7 Dec,ContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 7 – 8 – 9 Dec, 2017 | The one where there’s a lot to update!”

Dear Diary | 4th – 5th Dec, 2017 | The one where I was so sleepy, I wanted to cry!

Dear Diary  The sky was pink & purple today. And now I want to paint. Cool? Cool. Thoughts on A Freezing Night In Geneva: Click here to read. Bookling’s Crate Unboxing:  And yes, I bring you another episode of Body y you do dis? This be my life with auto-immunity: Highlights –  Eyes – I cant’ seemContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 4th – 5th Dec, 2017 | The one where I was so sleepy, I wanted to cry!”

Dear Diary | 1 & 2 Dec, 2017 | The One Where I Celebrate my Blog Birthday

Dear Diary  I’m writing this on the 3rd of this month because here’s what happened: But before that, here’s what I’m listening to 1 Dec,2017: I’m in the middle of posting my blog for the day when my laptop decided to crash. And I didn’t bother much with it thinking that I’ll have the blog postContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 1 & 2 Dec, 2017 | The One Where I Celebrate my Blog Birthday”

Dear Diary | 27 Nov & 28 Nov, 2017 | The one with a new segment.

Dear Diary  Let’s start this entry with a song I’m currently listening to? I promise to be consistent from day after! Life’s been quite social and busy this week. I’m also introducing a change in the way I update you. I’m introducing a segment, which you’ll see at end of each post, where I’ll summariseContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 27 Nov & 28 Nov, 2017 | The one with a new segment.”

Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. 

Dear Diary It’s 10.03 PM as I write this to you. Yesterday, I felt my cold and cough getting better and I was excited to know that I’ll be able to get back to my routine from today. But! Who am I kidding? My body possessed by its auto immunity must’ve thought to fight someContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary |26 Nov, 2017 |The one where I thought I got better. “

Dear Diary |24 Nov & 25 Nov, 2017 | The one where I update on missing days, The birthday dinner and Movies.

Dear Diary It’s been so long that I haven’t seen your face… Na na na na! Wow. I can’t believe I still remember that song. Do you know what I’m talking about? I guess I’ll have to listen to again now! Well, it has been long since I last updated you. Here’s why I wasn’tContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary |24 Nov & 25 Nov, 2017 | The one where I update on missing days, The birthday dinner and Movies.”