Dear Diary | 7 – 8 – 9 Dec, 2017 | The one where there’s a lot to update!

Dear Diary Would you believe me if I tell you that I have absolutely no memory of my day on the 6th? What option do you even have, right? Well, there’s no memory whatsoever. I have no clue about what happened and why didn’t I post a blog. But! Let’s talk about 7th! 7 Dec,ContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 7 – 8 – 9 Dec, 2017 | The one where there’s a lot to update!”

Dear Diary | 21 Oct, 2017 | Spookathon Day 6 | A day in with family and out with friends!

Dear Diary Today was a beautiful day. My pooch was happy and his playful self and I had a good time with my humans too! I did exert a lot today, but it was worth it. I’ll just make up for it by resting for a few weeks. My body behaved well today! Although, IContinueContinue reading “Dear Diary | 21 Oct, 2017 | Spookathon Day 6 | A day in with family and out with friends!”